Pd Installers
These installers are definitely very beta. I work on them whenever I
have time, here and there, generally in bursts of a couple weeks every
few months. All of my work in GPL'ed and in the CVS, so if you want
something fixed or done, its possible to do it yourself. That is what I
did with these installers, building upon the work of so many others.
I'd definitely work on this more if I could get a little money to do it.
Then I wouldn't have to do other freelance jobs. No amount is too
small, anything is appreciated. If I got $1 from each downloader, I
would be very happy.
Final Releases
See the Downloads page
for less beta (aka "final") releases. This
page is for the test releases. The core Pd distro is available on
Puckette's site
Pd-extended Test Releases
Lots of changes, got the first complete(-ish) build with the new extended
build system. I left as much of the old functionality in place as possible,
definitely were it was being used. But there are some changes that break
backwards compatibility, thought they should be noticed by few, and be easy to
fix going forward.
Some highlights:
- The Windows release is now compiled with MinGW and has all of the
same patches to the core as the other two.
- preliminary international character support. It seems to work fine
in comments, not yet in objects and messages.
- libdir format: basically a libdir is a directory that has both the objects
and the help files together in one folder. It can be added using -lib or
the StartUp preferences, or you can access them via geiger namespaces,
i.e. [mylibrary/myobject].
- special characters allow in setup function/file names for objects. This
makes objects like [||~] possible without having to be in a library. Now
they can be either .pd files or individual .pd_darwin files (thanks
IOhannes for the patch).
- GNU/Linux
- Download: Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC6-linux-i686.tar.bz2
- compiled to install into /usr/local
- you can install elsewhere, but then you need to always start Pd
in its bin dir with
in order for it to find all its stuff
To install:
tar xjf Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC6-linux-i686.tar.bz2
cd Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC6-linux-i686
make install prefix=/usr/local
To uninstall:
make uninstall prefix=/usr/local
- Mac OS X
- Download: Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC6.dmg
- To install, drag the Pd.app anywhere on your your hard
- For newbies: to install Gem, pmpd, xsample, dyn~, and vasp support,
copy the included
means your home
folder). If you already have preferences saved, this would replace
- This version now includes all of the needed libs (mp3lame, ogg,
vorbis, flac, speex, etc.)
- Windows
- Download: Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC6.exe
- To install, open the installer and click thru it.
- This version now includes all of the needed libs (mp3lame, ogg,
vorbis, flac, speex, etc.)
Things seem to be working fine. Try things out and post to the list
when things are broken. If I don't hear of any problems, I'll make this
the release and stick it on the SourceForge page.
Included Libraries
These, among others, are included (some of these might not be available
on all platforms):
- cyclone
- [comport]
- creb + abstractions
- dyn~
- Gem
- gem2pdp/pdp2gem (Mac OS X only)
- GrIPD (Windows only)
- [hid] toolkit (Windows support is alpha)
- IEMlib
- iemmatrix
- La-kitchen abstractions
- memento
- mjlib
- motex
- nusmuk abstractions
- OSC(load either the OSC or oscx library)
- pddp
- PDP/PiDiP (Mac OS X and GNU/Linux)
- pixelTANGO (python required)
- pool
- purepd
- py
- RRADical
- SMlib
- toxy
- vasp
- vst~ (Windows only)
- xsample
- wmangle
- compiled with optional Jack support (GNU/Linux & Mac OS X)
There is some stuff in the process of being added:
- more flext-based externals (nusmuk, syncgrain~)
- Individual Donors
Thanks to those of you who have sent me donations, it definitely is
appreciated, and keeps me going on this dredgework.
- Digital Media
Research Centre, UWE, Bristol
The cross-platform development was sponsored by Digital Media Research
Centre the University of the West of England, Bristol, organized by Martin Dupras
- Music Acoustics Group, KTH, Stockholm
The Windows development was sponsored by the Music Acoustics
Group, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Stockholm and the S2S^2 European
coordinating action, organized by Anders Friberg
Previous Release
Here is the previous release: Pd-0.38.4-extendedRC5
$Id: installers-0.38.4-extendedRC6.html,v 1.8 2006/11/26 23:26:27 hans Exp $